

Would you like to leverage spatial data to start exploring the relationships of agricultural processes across geographies? This course is designed for those who are interested in explicitly accounting for location in their analyses. Through this introductory course, you will learn how to work with spatial data in Python, starting from importing different spatial datasets and creating simple maps, to conducting basic geocomputation on vector and raster data.
  • Topic 1: Introduction to spatial data and mapping in Python
  • Topic 2: Basic geocomputation with vector data in Python
  • Topic 3: Basic geocomputation with raster data in Python
The course will be delivered via a Jupyter Notebook hosted on the GEMS Informatics Platform. You do not need to have Python installed on your machine to participate.
Prerequisites: Introductory Knowledge of Python


  • Topic 1: Introduction to spatial data and mapping in Python
    • Introduction to the GEMS platform and Jupyter Notebook
    • Describe why spatial?
    • Importing point, polygon & raster data
    • Creating basic maps
    • Layering features in maps
  • Topic 2: Basic geocomputation with vector data in Python
    • Introduction to vector data
    • Attribute data operations
    • Spatial data operations
    • Geometry operations
  • Topic 3: Basic geocomputation with raster data in Python
    • Raster data in Python
    • Raster manipulation
    • Spatial operations
    • Geometry operations
    • Raster-Vector interactions
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Section Title
Explicitly Accounting for Location in Agriculture: Introduction to spatial data analysis in Python
Sep 01, 2024 to Aug 31, 2025
Delivery Options
Self Paced Online  
Course Fee(s)
Course Fee $525.00
Section Details

Special Information about this Course:

  • In this course you will operate within the GEMS Platform. A GEMS staff member will manually add you to the course team on the Platform. If you register for this course outside of business hours (8:00am-4:30pm Central Time, Monday-Friday), your Platform access will be set up the next business day
    • The GEMS platform is a secure web-based portal for exploring, sharing, and analyzing data, workflows, and analysis results for the Agri-food sector. The platform is named for the knowledge it builds across (G)enetic x (E)nvironment x (M)anagement x (S)ocioeconomic data domains.
  • Cancellations are subject to a $25.00 processing fee. 

Contact Information:

  • For questions regarding course registration, please email Kris Junker at junk0011@umn.edu or call 612-624-7253
  • For questions regarding course materials and contact, please email Jeff Thompson at jathomps@umn.edu
  • For questions regarding system access, log-in, username, or password, please email help@umn.edu or call 612-301-4357
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