

A Citizen Pruner class is being offered for people who love trees, enjoy being outdoors and want to volunteer in our Washington County parks.  In this class, you will learn how to effectively prune young trees to improve their long-term health and growth.  No climbing is involved with this training.  In exchange for the training, volunteers will be expected to provide a minimum of 10 hours of pruning in our Washington County Parks for two consecutive years. Volunteer pruning sessions are typically done in a group and coordinated by a team leader. 


CLASS: Includes two components - 

1.     Presentation: via Zoom, Thursday, June 24, 3:00-4:15 by University of Minnesota Tree Care Advocates Program (link will be provided in your receipt).

2.     Hands-on training hosted by Washington County Parks: Saturday, June 26, at Lake Elmo Park Reserve.  Participants will sign up for 1 of 2 sessions, either 8:30-11:30 or 1:30-4:30.


· Open to any adult, 18 years or older, who commits to 10 hours/year for 2 years of volunteer pruning in Washington County Parks

· Pruning generally occurs in late winter (Feb-Mar) and late summer (Aug-Sept)

·  2-hour volunteer pruning sessions are generally held on weekday afternoons (winter) or weekday mornings (summer)

· Pruners may use their own equipment or equipment supplied by Washington County Parks 


To train volunteers on the following facets of pruning public trees: volunteer program overview, safety and interacting with the public, basic tree identification, proper pruning technique, and how to avoid pruning mistakes.


Volunteers will learn how to make proper pruning cuts with hand pruners and hand saws and to take species into consideration when pruning to avoid attracting insects or disease to vulnerable species.
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