Please start your registration by either logging in or signing in as a new user.

I have a guest account or University ID.
(Click button below)

Choose this Login if you already have a guest account or University ID. 

Make sure to select the radio button below that applies. 

If you are registering only yourself or want to manage an existing registration, select the radio button Register myself or manage my registration.

If you are registering a group, choose I am registering one or more people.

Then click Log In.

If you have not used your guest ID in the past 90 days, it is probably inactive. Reactivate your guest ID to login by contacting University Tech Support at 612-301-4357 or  Request to have your "U guest ID reactivated." The other option is to use a email address and follow instructions under I do not have a guest account.

I have a guest account or University ID.
(Click button below)

I do not have a guest account.
(Click button below)

Choose this option if you need to create a guest account for yourself and then continue to register yourself or others. If you are registering yourself only, choose the radio buttonRegister myself and then click Create a guest account. If you are registering a person other than yourself or registering a group, make sure that you select the radio button I am registering one or more people and then click Create a Guest Account.

Regarding Registering a Group:

1. If you are registering others, create a guest account for yourself first. Then you can register others. You can choose whether you also register yourself.
2. Your full email address will be your guest account.
3. When you have completed creating your guest account, select the Continue button. When prompted, enter your guest account (full email address) and password to enter the Registration system.
4. If you are registering a group, you will be able to enter information for each individual.

I do not have a guest account.
(Click button below)

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