

This workshop will provide a comprehensive foundation in the MN Forest Management Guidelines. The topics that we will be covering include: harvest planning, wetland basics, riparian management zones/filter strips, leave trees and wildlife, and erosion control. The format of this workshop is focused on discussions and hands-on activities related to the Forest Management Guidelines. You can refresh yourself on the FMGs by listening to a podcast hosted by UMN Extension and the MN Logger Education program: z.umn.edu/FMGpodcast

Two sections are available for this workshop. The same content is offered both days. Please register for only one section (May 15th or 16th).

Logistics and accessibility: This event will take place entirely outdoors. We will be sitting in chairs under a large tent in the morning during group discussions. The rest of the day, we will be completing hands-on activities at rotating field stations in the woods. Please dress accordingly and be prepared in case of rain. A portable toilet will be available on site. Lunch will be provided.

Course Contact

R. Lane Moser, moser196@umn.edu

Registration questions

Extension Registration, ext-reg@umn.edu

If you experience difficulties logging in

Contact the University of Minnesota IT Help Line at 612-301-4357. Please mention you are using a guest account to register for a non-credit event.

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