

Cheryl Petersen-Kroeber, BS, Certificate in Public Health Preparedness, MEP 
Director, Emergency Preparedness and Response Health Partnerships Division 
Minnesota Department of Health

Public concern over the impact of disease outbreaks, environmental disasters and exposures, and the potential for intentional use of biologic, chemical, radiological, or explosive devices has led to an increased emphasis on the role of public health in disaster preparedness and response. Public health agencies, working collaboratively with colleagues in other disciplines, are front-line workers in early detection, taking action during a disaster, and supporting long-term assessment and recovery for all types of hazards. New activities of managing national or local supply stockpiles, coordinating patient care and supporting volunteer programs have expanded the traditional roles of public health in emergency preparedness. This course explores the role of public health in disaster preparedness, response and recovery and how planning and preparing public health agencies for managing the crisis, provides a foundation for effective response such as providing surge capacity to maintain public health and healthcare functions and assisting a community's recovery from a disaster.

This non-credit course meets with the academic course PubH 7221-101 as part of the 2024 Public Health Institute.

Enrollment for this course opens on February 22, 2024.

For more information: z.umn.edu/PHI2022.


At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the public health role in emergency response for a range of emergencies.
  • Contribute expertise to a community hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA).
  • Contribute expertise to the development of emergency plans, including your jurisdictions All Hazards Plan
  • Participate in improving the organization’s capacities (including but not limited to programs, plans, policies, laws, and workforce training).
  • Maintain personal/family emergency preparedness plans.


The core competencies in Public Health Preparedness and Response identified in the CDC planning model that apply to this course include:

Domain 1: Model Leadership

1.2 Manage behavior associated with emotional responses

1.4 Maintain situational awareness

Domain 3: Plan for and Improve Practice

3.1 Contribute expertise to community Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA)

3.2 Contribute expertise to emergency plans

3.3 Participate in improving the organization’s capacities

3.4 Refer matters outside of one’s scope of legal authority through the chain of command

The core competencies identified in the HRSA Council of Linkages model that apply to this course include:

4. Cultural Competency Skills Tier 2:

2. Considers the role of cultural, social, and behavioral factors in the accessibility, availability, acceptability and delivery of public health services

5. Community Dimensions of Practice Skills Tier 2:

1. Assesses community linkages and relationships among multiple factors (or determinants) affecting health

8. Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills Tier 2:

2. Incorporates systems thinking into public health practice

CEPH Competencies


16. Apply principles of leadership, governance and management, which include creating a vision, empowering others, fostering collaboration and guiding decision-making

17. Apply negotiation and mediation skills to address organizational or community challenges

Systems Thinking

22. Apply systems thinking tools to a public health issue

Registration & Cancellation

The registration fee for this course is $595. You will receive an email letter outlining program logistics two weeks prior to the start of the course.

Requests for refunds will be honored in full if a written cancellation request is received prior to the course start date. An administration fee of $50 will be charged to all refund requests received after the first day of class. The University of Minnesota School of Public Health (SPH) reserves the right to cancel any course. In the event of a course cancellation, registrants will receive a full refund of the program registration fee. SPH is not responsible for refund of travel or other costs incurred by registrants.

SPH will provide a certificate of attendance verifying 1.5 CEUs (15 contact hours) offered for this program. This course is eligible for 15 CPH recertification credits.

All courses are approved for CPH Recertification Credits by the National Board of Public Health Examiners.

Contact & Questions

Email phi@umn.edu.

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