

Melinda Wilkins, DVM, MPH, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Minnesota

This course will provide the student with a basic understanding of systems, systems thinking, and how to use a systems thinking mindset and tools to support problem solving in a One Health context. Students will learn how to engage stakeholders, recognize systems, clearly define complex problems, and visualize/diagram systems. In addition, students will practice identifying leverage points within a system and anticipate intended and unintended consequences to changes within a system. Tools and examples will be used to explain each step and students will have a chance to practice using several common systems thinking tools before student teams apply these tools to address a more complex One Health problem.

This non-credit course meets with the academic course PubH 7200-103 as part of the 2024 Public Health Institute.

Enrollment for this course will open on February 22, 2024.

For more information: z.umn.edu/PHI


At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the systems thinking mindset
  • Identify systems in our bodies, nature, classrooms, and the environment
  • Diagram increasingly complex and accurate causal loop diagrams
  • Practice using Systems Thinking visualization tools
  • Practice identifying potential leverage points within a system
  • Apply a systems thinking mindset and tools to a complex One Health problem<

Registration & Cancellation

The registration fee for this course is $595. You will receive an email letter outlining program logistics two weeks prior to the start of the course.

Requests for refunds will be honored in full if a written cancellation request is received prior to the course start date. An administration fee of $50 will be charged to all refund requests received after the first day of class. The University of Minnesota School of Public Health (SPH) reserves the right to cancel any course. In the event of a course cancellation, registrants will receive a full refund of the program registration fee. SPH is not responsible for refund of travel or other costs incurred by registrants.

SPH will provide a certificate of attendance verifying 1.5 CEUs (15 contact hours) offered for this program. This course is eligible for 15 CPH recertification credits.

All courses are approved for CPH Recertification Credits by the National Board of Public Health Examiners.

Contact & Questions


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