

Do you own land in Aitkin County? Do you wonder if you are achieving its full potential? The Aitkin Area Private Woodlands Group is excited to announce an opportunity for private landowners to learn more about their forests and ways they can manage them to help achieve their goals. A woodland owner workshop will be held Friday, October 25th at Long Lake Conservation Center in Palisade. This event seeks to help landowners better understand their property and how it fits into the landscape by connecting them to resources and providing education and motivation to take action. The cost for this event is $10, which includes lunch.

There will be 3-4 presentations in the morning centered on topics like resources for woodland owners, woodland management for wildlife habitat and forest health. After lunch, we will go on a walking tour of the forests at LLCC and beyond to see first-hand how woodlands can be managed to increase wildlife, recreation, water quality, and timber harvesting values. We will be outdoors and walking for most of the afternoon, so please plan to dress accordingly.

For questions about the content of this event

Contact Kyle Fredrickson at 218-927-7284 or Troy Holcomb at 218-429-3025, or Anna Stockstad, stock523@umn.edu.

Registration questions

Extension Registration, ext-reg@umn.edu

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Contact the University of Minnesota IT Help Line at 612-301-4357. Please mention you are using a "guest account," to register for a non-credit workshop.

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Section Title
Aitkin County Woodland Stewardship Workshop
8:00AM to 4:00PM
Nov 01, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Off-Campus
Course Fee(s)
Workshop $10.00
Section Details

Location: Long Lake Conservation Center, 28952 438th Ln, Palisade, MN 56469.

8:00 a.m.: Registration and welcome
8:15 a.m.: Brushlands on the “back 40”: managing for sharptail grouse. Joe Quehl, Pheasants Forever
8:45 a.m.: Minnesota Forestry Association
9:15 a.m.: Bear Biology and Habitat, Andrew Tri, MNDNR Wildlife
10:30 a.m.: Meeting your woodland goals with a forestry consultant: Minnesota Association of Consulting Foresters.
10:50 a.m.: Resources to help landowners reach their woodland goals: Troy Holcomb, MNDNR Forestry.
11:00 a.m. to noon: Lunch and prepare for walking tour
Noon to 3:30 p.m.: Bus to 3-4 woodland management sites
4:00 p.m.: Wrap up and adjourn

Refunds will be issued for cancellation received by October 26.

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