

Participants will attend a one day in-person professional development workshop and then implement a computer science lesson in their context. They will learn about the historical and modern contributions of Native Americans in Minnesota and how to weave that content in their computer science teaching. The workshop will provide a background on Minnesota's tribes, history with the education system and U.S. government to ground the workshop. Following that, participants will be presented with a wide variety of authentic sources (from Native authors) to learn more about Native contributions and knowledge systems. Activities include exploration of Indigenous knowledge in the Minnesota K-12 subject standards for students, culturally responsive-sustaining framework for computer science, hands-on computer science lessons aligned to standards, and reflecting on next steps. Participants are expected to prepare for, teach, and reflect on one computer science lesson after the workshop to receive full credit.


At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

1) Explain why learning Native history and culture is important for all Minnesota students, including within the context of computer science.

2) Weave authentic Native content and resources throughout K-12 computer science teaching.

3) Develop a plan for continued learning with a goal of implementing the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Computer Science Education framework.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Indigenous Education for Computer Science
9:00AM to 3:00PM
Mar 13, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Off-Campus
Course Fee(s)
Registration $0.00
Section Details

The workshop on March 13, 2025 will be held at the Northeast Service Coop (5525 Emerald Ave, Mountain Iron, MN 55768).

This workshop is appropriate for computer science teachers, American Indian support staff, and administrators.

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