

The horse pasture establishment and management course is focused on managing horse pastures in the Midwest. Weekly topics include pasture layout and design, pasture establishment, pasture management, estimating pasture intake, managing diseased horses on pasture, and pasture resources.

The course is offered completely online, information can be accessed at any time, and the course is semi self-paced. To earn a certificate of course completion, participants must earn ≥70% on three 10-point multiple choice quizzes and participate in three course discussions or assignments by the due date. If a certificate is not wanted, participants do not have to complete quizzes, course discussions, or assignments. The course is recommended for adult learners (ages 18 and older) but is open to everyone. Course does not result in college credit.

Course contact

Krishona Martinson, krishona@umn.edu.

Registration questions

Extension Registration, ext-reg@umn.edu

If you experience difficulties logging in

Contact the University of Minnesota IT Help Line at 612-301-4357. Please mention you are using a "guest account."

New to online learning? Read about what to expect here: https://extension.umn.edu/courses-and-events/get-help-online-learning

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