

Ecological restorations of small sites often rely primarily on installing plants to establish the desired natural vegetation. Even large sites, which are typically seeded, may be supplemented with plantings. This course presents the successful steps for designing, installing, and managing a native species planting project. This course acts as a guide to making sound decisions for each of these critical steps.

The course covers how to:
• Evaluate whether there are sources of plants on the site or in the landscape that could contribute to revegetation
• Determine which species will be best suited for a restoration planting
• Select and acquire the optimal kinds of planting stock for site conditions and project goals
• Develop a planting plan
• Prepare a site to be planted
• Installing large numbers of plants on a site as part of planned events
• Manage sites following planting to promote vegetation establishment

It is strongly recommended, but not required, that students complete the Site Assessment for Ecological Restoration course before taking the other courses in the series, as the Site Assessment course lays the groundwork for the subsequent courses.

Participants who complete the entire course will receive 3.0 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

$375 course fee.

Course Contacts

Julia Bohnen, bohne001@umn.edu

Chelsey Blanke, cblanke@umn.edu

Registration Questions

Extension Registration, ext-reg@umn.edu

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Contact the University of Minnesota IT Help Line at 612-301-4357. Please mention you are using a guest account to register for a non-credit Canvas course.

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Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Designing, Installing, and Managing Native Plantings
Online, self paced
Mar 24, 2025 to May 04, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Course Fee $375.00
Section Details

It is strongly recommended, but not required, that students complete the Site Assessment for Ecological Restoration course before taking the other courses in the series, as the Site Assessment course lays the groundwork for the subsequent courses.

You will receive instructions for accessing the course after registration.

Cancellations prior to the course opening will be fully refunded. Registration fees may be transferred to the next offering of the course upon instructor approval. No refunds or fee transfers will be granted once a student has accessed or begun the course.


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