LTAP X500 - Culvert Installation and Maintenance for Local Agencies (Online)
In this online course, students will learn about the purpose of well-designed, well-built, and well-maintained culverts. The course also highlights the important role culverts play in the drainage system and why proper design, installation, and maintenance are essential for well-performing culverts. The course will provide students with a basic understanding of the principles of culvert theory, design, location, planning, scheduling. permitting, and typical installations. It also outlines culvert inventory, inspection, repair, and rehabilitation methods.
This online distance-learning course was created in an effort to help local agencies provide training for their staff in a more cost-effective manner. The online curriculum is similar to our traditional classroom training but perfect for students who are unable to travel or prefer a “work at your own pace” environment. Students are free to access the course anytime and anywhere within a five-month time frame.
The course is made up of six lessons, each containing a narrated presentation, video clips, reading, opportunities to check your understanding, and a quiz.
The course was designed to help students succeed. One way we accomplish this goal is by allowing students to take the quizzes and final test as many times as necessary until they understand the curriculum. Students may repeat the lesson or parts of the lesson and then test themselves again. Test questions change with each attempt.
Topics Covered
- Introduction to culverts: principles and basic understanding
- Culvert theory
- Culvert installation planning
- Common culvert installations
- Trenchless installation
- Repair and rehabilitation methods
- Inventory, inspection, and maintenance
All reading assignments are available online within the course, so no additional books or materials need to be purchased.
Who Should Take This Course
This course was developed for engineers, supervisors, and technicians who regularly work with culverts. It is geared toward individuals who install and maintain culverts as well as those who perform simple designs.
- Roads Scholar Program: Maintenance Certificate (1.0 Credit)
- To the best of our knowledge, this course meets the continuing education requirements for 7.5 PDHs as outlined in Minnesota Statute 326.107. More information concerning continuing education for professionals is online.
More Information
For more information or with questions about the course, please contact Katherine Stanley at or 612-626-1023.
Sponsors/Curriculum Developers
This course was created in collaboration by the Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota,Minnesota Local Road Research Board, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Curriculum for this workshop was developed and compiled by BARR Engineering. Contributing agencies to technical content include: