


This course prepares physicians and other health care providers to diagnose and treat people with bacterial, TB, and fungal infections.

Estimated Time To Complete

Allow 25 hours, including additional time for bonus materials.


This course enables you to:

  • Describe the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and diagnosis and treatment of under-represented tropical bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal infectious diseases.

This course is composed of five sections:

  1. Tuberculosis
  2. Bacterial Infections I
  3. Bacterial Infections II
  4. Fungal Infections
  5. Clinical Case Vignettes


Accreditation information is available here.

CME/CEUs Available

23.25 hours

Contact the Office of Continuing Professional Development at cme@umn.edu if you have questions about your CME credits.

ASTMH CTropMed® Online Exam Review

If you purchase 2 or more of our online courses you will get access to our ASTMH CTropMed Online Exam Review for free.  It will become available in Canvas automatically.  If you would like to view more information you can do so here.


Regular Rate: $795/course
For physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, and other health care providers

Discount Rate: $400/course 
For medical trainees, including medical students, residents and fellows outside the U of M Global Medicine Pathway; retirees; active U.S. military personnel; health professionals from low and lower-middle income countries as defined by WHO; and University of Minnesota Global Medicine Pathway faculty

Complete Package: $7,550
Includes up to 4 weeks of the annual In-Person Global Health CourseComplete Online Global Health Curriculum, and the U of M ASTMH CTropMed® Online Exam Review

CDC Employee Rate: Preapproved, full-time CDC employees are eligible for a discounted rate; contact globalhealth@umn.edu for information.

Institutions and Organizations Pricing: Volume discounts and customization options are available for your trainees. Learn more about pricing for institutions and organizations.

Applies Toward the Following:

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Bacteria and Fungi
Online, self paced
Apr 05, 2022 to Jun 30, 2025
Delivery Options
Self Paced Online  
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