

This workshop series is for first-year Ph.D. students to help prepare an application for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship, with broader focus on fellowship proposal writing and proposal writing in general. It will cover such topics as developing one's personal narrative arc and balancing scientific objectives with the NSF's interest in "broader impact." It will be taught using the flipped format, with each session involving preparatory videos, writing, and reviewing, and in-class time spent discussing and editing proposal documents. The goal is to put each student in a better position to apply for an NSF Fellowship.

Participants who successfully complete this workshop will be eligible to receive a digital badge that signifies not just their interest in refining their fellowship application materials but also their commitment to providing consistent support to their colleagues.  These individuals recognize the importance of giving and receiving constructive feedback, as well as consistently meeting deadlines.  To earn a Gold badge, participants must:

- actively participate in 5 out of the 6 sessions
- complete all assignments (including providing peer feedback) on time
- submit their proposal to a funding agency

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