EXT XFD.0010 - Parents Forever Online Course for Parents
The Parents Forever™ online course is available for parents and other caregivers of children who are experiencing divorce, separation, or changes in custody. Parents who attend a Parents Forever™ course learn valuable skills and tools that will help to reduce the effects of the family transition on themselves and their children. Parents Forever™ meets all 25 minimum standards required by Minnesota Statute 518.157 for Minnesota court-ordered education. The course will take a minimum of 8 hours to complete. Upon course completion, you will receive a certificate.
Course Fee
Course location
(access granted after enrollment)
Course Contact
Parents Forever Team
Registration help
Help with online learning
After participating in this course, parents will be able to:
- Understand the background and basis for the Parents Forever™ course.
- Explain the outline of the course and how it will be delivered.
- Describe topics and concepts they will learn in the course.
- Describe thoughts and feelings associated with the family transition process.
- Examine the links between self-care and life skills needed during and after the family transition.
- Analyze how personal needs and wants affect goals and create an action plan to improve self-care for the future.
- Recognize how the stages of child development influence children’s journey through the family transition.
- Identify characteristics of parent-child relationships that improve child well-being.
- Apply knowledge and identify skills that will lead to improved parent-child relationships.
- Reflect on the nature of their co-parenting relationships.
- Apply the communication and conflict management skills necessary for an effective co-parenting relationship.
- Recognize that a parenting plan is an effective tool to prepare for positive co-parenting.
- Describe how self-care, parent-child relationships, and co-parenting relationships work together to improve family well-being.
Parents who took the course have said:
- “I feel so proud that Minnesota offers this course. I found it extremely well-done and thorough. I wish all states provided this as an option.” — Online course participant
- “This course has taught me new ways of dealing with conflict and reminded me my son is the IMPORTANT factor, and to always remember that.” — Online course participant