

  • Institute Type: 1-week online–synchronous
  • Target Audience: Dual language immersion teachers, program coordinators, and administrators at the secondary (middle school and high school) level. The institute is not intended for elementary or postsecondary instructors.

As dual language immersion (DLI) programs transition into secondary schools, teachers and administrators are often faced with unique challenges that are less frequently addressed in general DLI literature, research, and professional development programs. During this five-day institute specifically designed for the secondary (middle and high school) dual language immersion context, participants will explore the what, how, and why of secondary continuation programs. In particular, the group will consider program structure, curriculum and assessment perspectives, and instructional practices that are necessary to ensure that DLI students continue toward high levels of bilingualism and biliteracy. Throughout this institute, participants will engage in constructive conversation, connect research to personal experiences, and apply new ideas directly to their teaching context.


Instructors Sarah Hutton and Cory MathieuCory Mathieu (Institute Leader and Co-instructor) is an Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education at Western Washington University. She received her Ph.D. from the Second Language Education Program at the University of Minnesota. Her research focuses on the development and use of DLI-specific materials; critical language awareness in teacher education; and policies and practices of bilingual education. As a former high school Spanish teacher, Cory personally understands the constraints and possibilities of secondary language education.

Sarah Hutton (Co-instructor) is the Instructional Coach at Richfield Dual Language School, an elementary DLI school in Richfield, Minnesota. Before transitioning to elementary, she worked in secondary dual language immersion programs for ten years, most recently as a program coordinator and coach, and formerly as a Spanish Language Arts teacher. She obtained her Masters in Education as well as a certificate in Dual Language Immersion Education from the University of Minnesota. Sarah is particularly passionate about increasing access for students to learn in their heritage language.

See the full course description here.
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Section Title
Secondary Dual Language and Immersion: Achieving the Promise of Continuation Programs
Online, instructor led
M, T, W, Th, F
9:00AM to 4:00PM
Jun 23, 2025 to Jun 27, 2025
Online (US Central Time)
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Online (US Central Time)
Delivery Options
Instructor Led Online  
Course Fee(s)
Section Details

June 23–27, 2025
9 am–4 pm (Central Time)
Synchronous 1-week online summer institute


  • This 1-week synchronous online institute will run from 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (Central Time). The schedule includes many synchronous (real-time) presentations, group/partner work, and activities throughout the day. It also includes some off-screen time for independent work and a break for lunch each day.
  • You must be available to participate for the entire day Monday–Friday as all activities build on each other.
  • Make sure you can meet the tech requirements for this institute.

Refund Policy:

  • Written cancellation requests received on or before the Monday four weeks prior to the institute start date are eligible for a refund minus $50 processing fee per participant for each canceled institute. Please send cancellation/refund request to carla@umn.edu.
  • Cancellations received on or before the Monday two weeks prior to the institute start date will be charged $100.
  • No refunds will be granted after the Monday two weeks prior to the institute start date. See exact refund dates on the refund information page.

Contact Information:
For questions regarding course registration, materials, and content, please email carla@umn.edu.
For questions regarding system access, log-in, username, or password, please email help@umn.edu or call 612-301-4357.

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