

You will experience one quick and easy “check-in’ activity, the 7 Word Story, and discuss others that can be integrated into your course design in order to 1) build and strengthen a sense of community among learners, 2) broaden participation, 3) provide frequent and brief opportunities for students to engage content and practice and develop interpersonal and intercultural skills, 4) and, very importantly, for you to gather valuable information from students, about the students themselves and/or about what and how they are processing class content.

The primary audience for these workshops and webinars is faculty, instructors (including teaching assistants), and instructional staff who directly support teaching and learning. Those who are teaching or actively supporting the classroom experience this academic year will benefit the most, as we will be focusing on teaching practices and the ways that participants can apply these practices in their current teaching.

This webinar falls under the following themes:

  • Support for group work: Supporting long-term or high stakes student groups
  • Inclusive learning communities: Integration, inclusion and community building in the classroom


“Fantastic session! These are such great ideas for maintaining the relationships we build with students at the start of the semester. I also really liked the idea of bringing in the ideas from workshop attendees...such fabulous ideas from both the workshop presenters and attendees!!” 2021 participant

This webinar is part of the International Student Academic Integration (ISAI) initiative. The International Student Academic Integration initiative is funded by the International Student Academic Services Fee and offered in partnership between the Global Programs and Strategy Alliance and the Center for Educational Innovation.
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