

Activity Objectives:

Following this learning activity, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the usual refugee resettlement process
  • Recognize ways frontline clinicians can screen for post-traumatic stress disorder and other urgent mental health concerns in refugees
  • Identify three infectious illnesses that have been noted in Afghan evacuees
  • Describe an efficient skin exam and recognize the difference between lice and scabies


Emily Jentes, MPH, PhD; Ann Settgast, MD; Samira Melatyr, LGSW; Miguel Ruiz, MD; Cristina Plaza-Ruiz, PhD; Tai Mendenhall, PhD; Patricia Shannon PhD, LP; Patricia Walker, MD ; Alexia Knapp, MD; Brett Hendel-Paterson, MD; Gabriela Contino, MD

Planning Committee:

Brett Hendel-Paterson, MD; Bill Stauffer MD; Beth Scudder; Patricia  Walker MD; Alexia Knapp, MD; Blain Mamo MDH

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