LTAP X503 - Work Zone Safety Orientation
The purpose of this course is to offer a convenient opportunity for beginning, seasonal and temporary construction, maintenance, or utility staff (All workers whose responsibilities include working on any public rights of way including on traffic lanes, shoulders, parking lanes, berms, sidewalks, and trails) to learn about the fundamentals of work-zone safety and the basic concepts of the work-zone area before arriving at the job site. The course addresses many of the hazards inherent in road and street work and how these dangers can be minimized to keep motorists, pedestrians, and employees safe.
The course was designed to provide work zone employees with an understanding of the most basic aspects of safety in a work zone and encourage them to develop safe habits. It begins with how a worker should prepare before entering the work zone, and it doesn't end until the worker is off-site and out of the work zone area.
This course is sponsored by the Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) at the Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota. Minnesota LTAP is sponsored by the Minnesota Local Road Research Board (LRRB) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The course curriculum was developed and compiled by SRF Consulting Group, Inc. (Links to an external site.) in conjunction with a technical advisory panel of experts including the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
This five-module course covers:
- Introduction to Work Zone Safety (for all workers)
- Low Speed Low Volume Streets
- Low Speed High Volume Streets
- High Speed Low Volume Highways
- High Speed High Volume Highways
- Low Speed is defined as posted speed limit of 40 mph or less
- High Speed is defined as posting speed limit of 45 mph or greater
- Low Volume is defined as 400 ADT or vehicles per day
- High Volume is defined as over 1500 ADT or vehicles per day.