

This module will focus on what instigates a change, what must be done to prepare for a change, and what must be done after a change has been made. We will discuss Quality Risk Management, Change Control, and Document Control.

Please see section details for meeting dates, times, and locations Participants will be expected to spend time in between meetings completing activities designed to meet the module’s learning goals. The total time for each participant is 10 hours.

Completion of TAK X401 Pharmaceutical Quality Systems: Overview is required before registering.


This course requires TAK X401 Pharmaceutical Quality Systems: Overview to be completed before registering.  If you are receiving this message and have already completed this course, please email Katie Furniss at furni008@umn.edu with your participation date and ask to have the completion recorded.
Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.
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