

The Minnesota grape and wine industry is expanding and contributes to over $80M in economic activity, and Minnesota grape growers have expressed a need for more introductory and continuing education for best sustainable viticultural practices. With funding and support from the North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE), a collaboration between University of Minnesota Extension and the Grape Breeding and Enology team in the Department of Horticultural Science has developed this free, web-based curriculum that aims to provide quality educational materials on growing cold-hardy grapes in Minnesota. Our goal is to provide a broad understanding of viticultural principles as well as practical application of that knowledge.

11 modules specific to cold hardy production:

1. The Life of a Grapevine
2. Starting a New Vineyard
3. Managing Young Vines
4. In-season Canopy Management
5. Vine Nutrition, Nutrient Testing, and Fertilization
6. Weed Management
7. Insect Identification and Management
8. Disease Identification and Management
9. Wildlife Management
10. Veraison and Harvest Decisions
11. Pruning Grapevines in Cold Climates

This curriculum is perfect for training new staff or re-viewing the basics. Pick and choose which lessons to take. The course is self-paced.

Course Contact:

Madeline Kay Wimmer, Extension Educator, Food Systems - Fruit Production
Soon Li Teh, Assistant Professor, Grape Breeding & Enology

Registration questions

Extension Registration, ext-reg@umn.edu

If you experience difficulties logging in:

Contact the University of Minnesota IT Help Line at 612-301-4357. Please mention you are using a guest account to register for a non-credit Canvas course.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
2025 Growing Cold Climate Grapes: Vineyard Management Online Course
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Course Fee(s)
Section Details
Register here to enroll in the online course. You may register at any point and complete the course before the end of the following calendar year.
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