CPT X570 - Group Work & Culturally Attuned Supervision: Fundamentals, Models and Approaches
Essential concepts of clinical supervision and fundamentals of group work as a method of practice are described. Practical application of skills required to facilitate clinical supervision groups with consideration for specific models, approaches, and structures for group supervision and benefits and limitations of group supervision are explored. Participants will reflect upon the impact of their and their supervisees’ social position and the overarching relevance of intersectionality on their social work as clinical supervisors.
This course is intended for those who have an interest or experience utilizing group work as a means for providing supervision either within their agency or off-site for contract.
After completing this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify the fundamentals of group work and supervision,
- Describe specific models, approaches, and structures for group supervision, and
- Discuss the benefits and limitations of group supervision
- Identify ways in which aspects of self may impact supervision relationships and group dynamics
Key Benefits
Participants in this workshop series are eligible to receive up to 6 CE Hours pre-approved by the following Minnesota licensing boards:
- Board of Social Work (BoSW): (#CEP-204)
- Board of Marriage & Family Therapy (BMFT): 6 Supervision CEs; this workshop may not be used to meet the 30-hour supervision training requirement found in (Minn. Rule 5300.0160)
- Board of Behavioral Health & Therapy (BBHT)
For participants needing clinical clock hours (CCH), this workshop meets the requirements, as defined by the Board of Social Work:
- Clinical intervention methods informed by research and current standards of practice: 6 CCH
Center for Practice Transformation – University of Minnesota has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7404. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Center for Practice Transformation – University of Minnesota is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.