

Genetic counseling is a field that relies heavily on communication to help patients understand and adapt to genetic information that could impact their lives and families. There are many different communication strategies that genetic counselors implement during their interactions with patients and each genetic counselor has their own unique style of conveying information. The Genetic Counseling Skills Checklist© (GCSC) was created to provide a practical, efficient, and thorough method for documenting genetic counseling communication strategies and the variability that is seen across the field.

This is an independent study course with 8 modules.  All the course content is delivered digitally using a Canvas site.  There are no planned interactions with other students in the course or with instructors.  You will need to engage with the material sufficiently to complete a final set of checklists with at least an 80% accuracy. If you have questions about the content or the course, please email gcgrad@umn.edu, including GCPD X300 in the subject line.  


Course Modules:

  1. Introduction
  2. Building Rapport
  3. Mutual Agenda Setting & Structuring
  4. Risk Communication,
  5. Recognizing & Responding to Emotions and Prior Experiences
  6. Educating
  7. Checking for Understanding
  8. Facilitating Decision Making
  9. Promoting Patient Activation
  10. Practice
  11. Final Assessment Group 1
  12. Final Assessment Group 2


By completing this course you will be able to:

  • consistently review a counseling session with the Genetic Counseling Skills Checklist© (GCSC).
  • code real-time counseling sessions with the Genetic Counseling Skills Checklist© (GCSC) with 80% accuracy. 
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Genetic Counseling Skills Checklist© Training
Online, self paced
Jun 15, 2023 to Dec 31, 2024
Delivery Options
Self Paced Online  
Course Fee(s)
Section Details

The Genetic Counseling Skills Checklist© training course prepares researchers, counselors and others to appropriately use the Genetic Counseling Skills Checklist© (GCSC).  

The Genetic Counseling Skills Checklist© (GCSC) was created to provide a practical, efficient, and thorough method for documenting genetic counseling communication strategies and the variability that is seen across the field.

Course fee is not refundable.  Students earn a certificate upon successfully completing the course.

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