AUT X003 - ADOS-2 Research Training
University of Minnesota Autism Diagnostics Training Program
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree or higher and completion of in-person ADOS-2 Introductory Training Workshop. Trainees will be notified if it is determined that these prerequisites are not met.
Description: The University of Minnesota’s Autism Diagnostics Training Program is offering an ADOS-2 Research Training for specialists in ASD interested in establishing research reliability. This training course offers detailed, advanced training for people who plan to use the ADOS-2 for research purposes. This training is necessary for use of the ADOS-2 in research. The goals of this workshop are to provide hands-on experience in administering the ADOS-2, detailed instruction and practice with coding, and information on appropriate use and interpretation in research. With guidance from experienced ADOS-2 trainers, trainees will administer parts of the ADOS- 2 to child and adult volunteers with ASD. Detailed discussions on scoring of the ADOS-2 follow each practice administration. Trainees will be provided with DVDs of other ADOS-2 administrations to watch after the training and will be given instructions on next steps for achieving research reliability.
There is an option to submit post-course reliability checks within a year of the workshop for $350 per video.
Questions regarding the training can be sent to Maishia Yang at
Registration Instructions
Before you register, please note:
- Enrolling in the course is self-service with a credit card.
- If the person attending the training is not part of the University of Minnesota, they must have a guest account in order to proceed with your registration. You can create that here: https://my-account.umn.
edu/create-guest-acct - If you are registering on someone else's behalf, please use the contact information for the person attending the training for both the guest account and the registration.
To register for the course:
- Click maroon Add to Cart button.
- Click Checkout in pop-up box.
- Click maroon Checkout button.
- Under I have a University Internet Account (created above or previously created), click maroon Continue button.
- Log in using the username and password for the person who is attending the training.
- Verify contact information is complete
- If this is your first time using the system, you will be asked to initial twice under Privacy Policies at the bottom of the page.
- Click maroon Continue Checkout button.
- Answer the Questions in the Questionnaire.
- Under Policy Confirmation, check the required checkbox.
- Click maroon Continue Checkout button.
- Your receipt will pop up.