

In this webinar we will explore ways to minimize linguistic and cultural bias in assignments and assessments.  We will also discuss ways to provide feedback on language and consider informal accommodations to help ensure equitable and inclusive assessments and assignments.  [This session is based on the text, Fostering International Students Success in Higher Education and focuses on the second chapter. No need to read the book prior to attending the webinar.]


This webinar is co-facilitated in partnership between Internationalizing the Curriculum and Campus (ICC) and the Minnesota English Language Program (MELP).

This webinar falls under the following ICC webinar themes:

  • Theoretical Foundations for Teaching in Globally Diverse Classes
  • Inclusive Learning Communities: Integration, inclusion, and community building in the classroom
  • Intercultural Interaction: Developing important skills and attitudes
  • Supporting Multilingual Learner: Engaging & embracing linguistic diversity

Can be taken independently and also applies toward the following: 

Applies Toward the Following:

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