

This half-day virtual mini-PD, offered by the Northern Lights Collaborative for Computing Education, is intended for computer science educators who teaching the Advanced Placement Computer Science A (AP CSA) course. Join an experienced CSA teacher to learn about how to answer Free Response Questions (FRQs) and how they are scored at the AP Reading. This mini-PD will include hands-on activities for participants to try solving and grading sample FRQs. There will also be time for participants to discuss best practices for teaching students about FRQs. Details will also be shared on how to join full PD for CSAwesome - an endorsed AP CS A provider.

**This is a live interactive workshop. This mini-PD will not be recorded.**


Request a Certificate

Participants who complete the mini-PD may request a certificate of completion by emailing their completed assignment and a brief summary of their learning experience during the mini-PD to nlcollaborative@umn.edu. Requests must be emailed within 7 days of the mini-PD.



  • Participants will understand what FRQs are and how they are used to assess student learning
  • Participants will gain hands-on practice with answering an FRQ with a close-reading approach
  • Participants will gain hands-on practice with scoring an FRQ using AP CSA scoring guidelines


Contact us at nlcollaborative@umn.edu

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