EXT XYD.0041 - Social and Emotional Learning in Practice
Social and Emotional Learning in Practice
Social and emotional skills are powerful and complex. There are no cookie cutter methods that work with every young person, but youth workers can influence how social and emotional skills are caught and taught within their program. This action-based training builds fluency and understanding of how to support social and emotional learning (SEL). By exploring practices that infuse social and emotional learning opportunities into existing program content, participants will walk away with strategies to intentionally support social emotional skill growth.
How it works
- 3-hour format.
- Identify how your program supports specific social emotional skills.
- Participate in small group discussion designed to evaluate intentional SEL practices in your program.
- Practice key strategies for intentionally supporting SEL.
What you’ll have when you walk away
- A program map to explain how your program supports SEL.
- Practical strategies to engage staff, families, and youth in SEL conversations.
- Ideas for infusing your learning environment and learning experiences with SEL opportunities.
- Tools to begin measuring social emotional skill growth.
Who should attend
Program managers, program coordinators, full-time direct service providers
Cancellation policy
if the Center for Youth Development cancels the course, the fee will be fully refunded. Cancellations at least one working day (24 hours) prior to the workshop date will be fully refunded. No refunds will be given for cancellations fewer than 24 hours before the workshop date. If you have any questions or need to cancel your registration, please call Colleen at 612-624-1999.
- Course content questions: Kate Walker, 612-624-7988, kcwalker@umn.edu
- Registration questions: Colleen Byrne, 612-624-1999, byrne015@umn.edu
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