

  • Institute Type: 3-day online—synchronous
  • Target Audience: world language educators at the middle through postsecondary levels and language teacher educators. The institute is not appropriate for teachers of young children.

This institute will give teachers greater insight into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be leveraged to improve language learning within their educational context. Participants will first explore the brave new world of AI, considering what it does well and what it does not. They will also discuss ways to keep students and their data safe while working with AI. Participants will then learn how to effectively use AI to make lesson planning easier and activity design more engaging. During the institute, participants will have plenty of hands-on opportunities to create lesson plans and activities to use right away in their classrooms.


Amanda RomjueAmanda Romjue is the Technology-Enhanced Language Education Director for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota. She has taught Spanish and instructional technology courses in higher education, and she has delivered talks and workshops to K-16 language educators on instructional technology in national and international venues.

See the full course description here.
Return to the CARLA website.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Empowering Language Teachers to Leverage AI for Student Success
Online, instructor led
T, W, Th
9:00AM to 4:00PM
Jul 22, 2025 to Jul 24, 2025
Online (US Central Time)
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Online (US Central Time)
Delivery Options
Instructor Led Online  
Course Fee(s)
Section Details

July 22–24, 2025
9 am–4 pm (Central Time)
Synchronous 3-day online summer institute


  • This 3-day synchronous online institute will run from 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (Central Time). The schedule includes many synchronous (real-time) presentations, group/partner work, and activities throughout the day. It also includes some off-screen time for independent work and a break for lunch each day.
  • You must be available to participate for the entire day Tuesday–Thursday as all activities build on each other.
  • Make sure you can meet the tech requirements for this institute.

Refund Policy:

  • Written cancellation requests received on or before the Monday four weeks prior to the institute start date are eligible for a refund minus $50 processing fee per participant for each canceled institute. Please send cancellation/refund request to carla@umn.edu.
  • Cancellations received on or before the Monday two weeks prior to the institute start date will be charged $100.
  • No refunds will be granted after the Monday two weeks prior to the institute start date. See exact refund dates on the refund information page.

Contact Information:
For questions regarding course registration, materials, and content, please email carla@umn.edu.
For questions regarding system access, log-in, username, or password, please email help@umn.edu or call 612-301-4357.

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