Phone: 612-624-4231
Toll Free: 800-779-8636


CPT X310 - The Intersection of Trauma and Substance Use
CR X100 - Cultural Responsiveness in Child Welfare
CWTA 100 - MN Child Welfare Foundations Training
CWTA X100 - MN Child Welfare Foundations Training
CWTA X110 - New Worker Orientation: Self-Paced Modules
CWTA X111 - New Worker Orientation: Instructor-Led Enhancement
CWTA X113 - New Worker Foundations
CWTA X203 - Sexually Exploited Youth and Human Trafficking: Overview
CWTA X204 - Sexually Exploited Youth and Human Trafficking: Practice Skills
CWTA X211 - Case Planning
CWTA X218 - The Need for QEW Basic Understanding for County Workers
CWTA X219 - ICWA/MIFPA Foundations for New Workers
CWTA X220 - Assessing Prospective Foster and Adoptive Parents
CWTA X221 - Active Efforts Training: Family Preservation and the MAAFPCWDA Framework
CWTA X402 - Permanency Regional Trainings
CWTA X403 - Foster Parent College Blended Pre-Service Training
CWTA X404 - SSIS Essentials
CWTA X405 - Introduction to Motivational Interviewing (MI) Skills for Child Welfare Professionals: Self-Paced
CWTA X406 - Motivational Interviewing (MI) Skills for Child Welfare Professionals: Instructor-Led Workshops
CWTA X407.1 - Motivational Interviewing (MI) Skills for Child Welfare Professionals: Coaching Circle 1
CWTA X407.2 - Motivational Interviewing (MI) Skills for Child Welfare Professionals: Coaching Circle 2
CWTA X407.3 - Motivational Interviewing (MI) Skills for Child Welfare Professionals: Coaching Circle 3
CWTA X407.4 - Motivational Interviewing (MI) Skills for Child Welfare Professionals: Coaching Circle 4
CWTA X408 - Motivational Interviewing (MI) Skills for Child Welfare Professionals: Pathway 1 Skills Demonstration
CWTA X409 - Motivational Interviewing (MI) Skills for Child Welfare Professionals: Pathway 2
CWTA X410 - Motivational Interviewing (MI) Skills for Child Welfare Professionals: Pathway 3
CWTA X700 - MNCWTA Pilot Courses
PACC X100 - Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate
PLX X100 - Phoenix Learning Xchange Certificate
Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate (PACC)
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