
ICC X202 - Course Design for Preparing Global-Ready Students
ICC X203 - Teaching in Globally Diverse Classes Asynchronous Canvas Course
ICC X204 - Teaching in Globally Diverse Classes Certificate Canvas course
ICC X300 - Finding Common Ground: A Community Building Activity
ICC X301 - What’s in a Name?
ICC X302 - 3-2-1 Classroom Assessment Technique (CAT)
ICC X303 - Birds of a Feather- Supporting and Leveraging Class and Team Diversity
ICC X304 - Jigsaw: A Collaborative Learning Activity
ICC X305 - Give One, Get One (GOGO): A Review and Community Building Activity
ICC X306 - Thirty-Five: An Interactive Negotiations Activity
ICC X307 - Snowball: A Playful Review Activity
ICC X308 - 7 Word Stories and Other Student Check-in Activities
ICC X309 - Strategies For More Inclusive Participation, with a Whip Around Discussion
ICC X310 - Establishing Class and Group Agreements and Expectations
ICC X312 - Creating a 'Global Village' in your Classrooms
ICC X313 - Cultural Values Collage
ICC X314 - UN Sustainable Development Goals: Scenarios for Global Learning
ICC X315 - Cultural Communication Styles
ICC X316 - Global Learning: Changing Misconceptions About the World
ICC X317 - Cultural Self-Awareness in Teaching
ICC X318 - Neuroscience-based strategies for creating inclusive classrooms
ICC X319 - Navigating the Unfamiliar: A Perspective-Taking Framework
ICC X321 - Fostering An Asset Minded and Inclusive Classroom for International and Multilingual Students
ICC X322 - Language Bias & Linguistic Justice
ICC X323 - Playful Teaching for Engaged Learning
ICC X324 - Language & Culture Mapping for Exploring Language and Identity
ICC X327 - Let’s Talk Pedagogy
ICC X328 - Learning and Pronouncing Student Names
ICC X329 - What Multilingual Students are Saying - Student Panel
ICC X330 - Faculty & Staff Showcase Panel
ICC X331 - Centering International and Multilingual Students: Drop-In
ICC X340 - Fostering International & Multilingual Student Success: Back to Basics
ICC X341 - Fostering International and Multilingual Student Success: Supporting Cultural Adjustment and Inclusion
ICC X342 - Supporting Language Development with Linguistically Inclusive Pedagogy
ICC X343 - Fostering International & Multilingual Student Success: Effective and Equitable Assignments and Assessments
ICC X344 - Supporting the Whole Student Across the Curriculum
ICC X402 - Teaching in Globally Diverse Classes Certificate Group Discussions
ICC X403 - TiGDC Group Discussions A (Focus: Build Community)
ICC X404 - TiGDC Group Discussions B (Focus: Certificate Readings)
ICC X405 - TiGDC Group Discussions C (Focus: Certificate Webinars and Workshops)
ICC X501 - Summer Institute for Curriculum Internationalization
ICCX200 - Facilitating Intercultural Learning in Globally Diverse Classes
ICCX201 - Leveraging Interactions for Intercultural Learning
OCI X205 - FCG
OCI X300 - UMN COIL Design & Facilitation Essentials Workshop
OCI X301 - Introduction to COIL: Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Virtual Exchange
OED X202 - International Campus Community Focus: Addressing Xenophobia & Minoritization Part I
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